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Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 606279276

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Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 606279276

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 Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn

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2 participants

عدد المساهمات : 134
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/05/2013
العمر : 27
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Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn Empty
MessageSujet: Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn   Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn EmptyDim Juil 07, 2013 8:31 pm

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 845492643

Life is imitating art for Ashley Benson and Tyler Blackburn, who play teen sweethearts Hanna Marin and Caleb Rivers on ABC Family's Pretty Little Liars. In the July 15 issue of Us Weekly, multiple insiders confirm the costars are dating in real life. "He makes me laugh," Benson, 23 tells Us of her beau, 26. "I have such a crush!"
PHOTOS: Get to know the cast of Pretty Little Liars
The pair were first linked in April after they were spotted kissing at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio, Calif. Benson was previously in a serious relationship with Justin Bieber's "swagger coach" Ryan Good. "I've always been in relationships," Benson said in Seventeen's April 2013 issue. "And I knew I needed to learn to be comfortable alone."

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 602903715

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 415081801

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 755030239

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 652356751

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 157023837

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 370146756

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn 164079519
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عدد المساهمات : 139
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/05/2013
العمر : 25
الموقع : BEJAIA

Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn   Ashley Benson Dating Pretty Little Liars Costar Tyler Blackburn EmptyVen Juil 19, 2013 3:10 pm

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